Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Message

Sunday, November 17th - 8:30pm - 10pm

This week, I decided to go back to reading The Bible.  However, in order to mix it up a little bit, I decided to read "The Message" version.

I have mixed feelings about "The Message" translation.  I do find that it is easier to breeze through sections of the Bible.  However, when I directly compare it to other versions, some of the translations seem questionable.  I find myself reading "The Message" as more of an overview.  The most startling passage that I have come across in "The Message" was in Numbers 4 - where a material typically referred to as leather (or goatskin or badger skin) is referred to as dolphin skin.   I do realize that all the versions of the Bible have to have a certain amount of passages different than all other translations, but this passage certainly seemed to be different than the rest.   I'll probably switch back to the New Living Translation for most my Biblical readings from now on.

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